♧  Information of overseas website ♧

☞ 한국어   www.soundofballet.co.kr

☞ 中文网页   www.soundofballetchina.com

☞ 日本語のネットショップ   www.soundofballetjapan.com


( This CD is made in Japan,

so we didn't upload  in Japanese website.

You can purchase in Mediaphorie Japon.)




( Listening to sample files )





This is the 2nd CD of Pianist Sylvain Durand

in Paris Opera Ballet.

The original version was discontinued to release,

but it has produced again in Japan with license.

The cover has changed,

but all the music is same with original before.


This CD has the artist's own style

by jazzy and dramatic melody.



Total tracks are 39 tracks,

and they are composed with a pair of two tracks for bar work

with similar but not same melody.


※ We started service to check CD sounds in advance.

It means,


1) New order

2) We open the package of each CD

3) We play entire CD through CD Players

& check whether there is noise or problem to stop playing.

4) After checking, we send that CD to customers.


Some of our customers are worrying about CD's problem,

so we prepared for this kind of service.



[ Sound of ballet - Gift Shop ]

There are a lot of gifts

with ballet illustration of many artists in the world.

You can buy iPhone cases, tote bags, cards and etc.

(Click the picture above, and you can go to gift shop.) 


♧  Notice ♧

1) Please refer to our shipping express service as following.

☞ Express service by the country


2) Our website submits "Paypal" service

as the main payment method.

Credit cards are also available under paypal system.


3) You can get update news by SNS

when new CD & DVD income.

* instagram 1 (Music)   @soundofballet

* instagram 2 (Gifts)   @soundofballetgift

* twittter   @soundofballet

* Facebook page  ☞ Click


4) For the other questions, please contact us.

Email : class_music@naver.com

Wechat ID :  soundofballet 


We will try to response within 24 hours.

Thank you very much for your attention.